Signature-collecting campaign(Third round: To May 31) Please do not permit the restart of the Sendai or Genkai NPPs

Now, we conduct signature-collecting campaign  “Do not permit the restart of the Sendai or Genkai NPPs” to governors of Kyusyu area.

You can sign online form. Please sign a petition from here!



The Fukushima nuclear disaster is still not over and the disaster site is in a dangerous state!

Please do not permit the restart of the Sendai NPP or Genkai NPPs.


Yuichiro Ito, Governor of Kagoshima Prefecture
Yasushi Furukawa, Governor of Saga Prefecture
Hiroshi Ogawa, Governor of Fukuoka Prefecture
Houdou Nakamura, Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture
Katsusada Hirose, Governor of Oita Prefecture
Ikuo Kabashima, Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture
Shunji Kouno, Governor of Miyazaki Prefecture

   After two-and-a-half years , the Fukushima Daiichi NPP disaster is still not resolved and the disaster site continues to be in a dangerous state. The problem of the highly radioactive water leakage that has continually occurred since immediately after the disaster has at last been recognized as being a “seriously abnormal state of affairs.” However, no means has yet been found to prevent this leakage. People in the disaster-stricken areas are still exposed to the threat of radioactive pollution and exposure. As far as is known, at least 150,000 people have been driven from the villages and towns where they used to live and are being forced to endure harsh living conditions as evacuees, their families and communities torn asunder.

   Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has formulated new safety standards for NPPs. However, these do not guarantee NPP safety. In the first place, the causes of the nuclear disaster have not yet been clarified. In July of last year (2013), the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Committee (NAIIC) concluded in its report to the Diet that “It cannot be stated with certainty that the earthquake caused no damage to crucial safety equipment.” This refers to the possibility that the emergency condenser of Unit 1 sustained damage from the earthquake prior to the tsunami striking the site, but this possibility has still not been properly investigated.

   In February of this year, the government’s Headquarters for Earthquake Research carried out an overall review of the active fault assessment in the area surrounding the Sendai NPP. The review noted that the length of the active fault was more than twice as long as given in the Kyushu Electric Power Company’s assessment and that roughly than ten times the energy given in the assessment could be released, leading to the possibility of the occurrence of a huge M7.5 earthquake. Since both the Sendai and Genkai NPPs are pressure water reactors (PWRs), fractures of the steam generator tube walls, which are a mere 1.3 mm thick, is a weakness that could result in a severe accident. Moreover, roughly 50,000 pipes of a total length of around 120 km are built into each reactor. A severe accident could occur even if only one of these pipes is fractured.

   Should an accident happen in the west of Japan, where Kyushu’s NPPs are located, the prevailing westerly winds* would ensure that not only Kyushu but the whole of Japan would be exposed to nuclear fallout. The restart of NPPs signifies the creation of a gigantic renewed risk and a further unresolvable radioactive disaster, and is tantamount to nothing less than the forcing of a grave negative heritage onto future generations.

* According to data from surface observational measurements, winds in the area surrounding Genkai NPP are mostly northeasterly. 


Organization implementing the signature campaign:
Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center (NPO)
B, 2F, Akebonobashi Co-op, 8-5 Sumiyoshi Cho, Shinjuku Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 162-0065

Please deliver signature sheets to:
Sayonara Genpatsu! 11.10 Kyushu/Okinawa Rally Executive Committee
1-13-24 Tokuyoshi Higashi, Minami Ku, Kokura, Kita Kyushu City, JAPAN 803-0277