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Group Introduction

Rainbow Kayak Squadron

By Ramboh*

The Rainbow Kayak Squadron is a group of concerned individuals, including local outdoor guides and people from around Japan. Each member acts voluntarily in the belief that the Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant1 is a personal issue for himself or herself.

The basic starting point of the Rainbow Kayak Squadron is respect for the people of Iwaishima Island, who have protected the sea until now, and the members' desire to take whatever autonomous action they can today, in order to protect the things that will be lost as a result of construction of the Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant.

Each day we engage in onsite action to express our opposition to Chugoku Electric Power Company's reclamation of the sea around Tanoura, the site of the nuclear power plant, and help the Iwaishima Islanders with activities such as packing loquat leaf tea.

Thus, in the course of our daily lives we find our own roles and develop mutual trust by respecting each other's individuality.

Mutual trust has not only developed between members of the Sea Kayak Squadron. Bonds are also developing with the people of Iwaishima and with people from throughout Japan, who have supported our activities in all sorts of ways.

Living self-reliantly in harmony with nature
We discover what is truly important through daily encounter with the things that the people of Iwaishima have preserved.

We think that by living in this way a truly bright and sustainable future will reveal itself to us.

And we hope that together, overcoming differences in position and point of view, we will find a way of resolving issues in which everyone can be happy.

1. For more about the campaign to stop construction of the Kaminoseki NPP see NIT 125 and NIT 133. Also see the article about Chugoku Electric Power Company on page 5 of this issue of NIT.

*Ramboh is a member of the Rainbow Kayak Squadron

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Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0065, Japan