Second list of signatures signed by anti-nuclear citizens submitted;
total number of signatories rises to 8.38 million

| On November 26, 2013, as tension mounted in Japan over the
controversial secrecy law to prevent leaks of state secrets, an
anti-nuclear citizens’ group aiming to collect signatures from 10
million people handed the second round of collected signatures to the
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Vice President
of the House of Councilors, as well as to the Cabinet Office. As of
November 20, the group named “Sayonara (Good-bye to) Nuclear Power
Plants” had collected a total of 8,378,701 signatures, including those
contained in the first round, which were submitted in June 2012. During
and after the submission of the signatures, the group members held a
meeting in the Diet building and a rally on the signature campaign in
Hibiya Park, and then set out on an anti-nuclear march in downtown
In the meeting held in the Upper House members’ office building prior
to the submission of the signatures, Satoshi Kamata, one of the core
promoters of the event, gave a speech that took into consideration the
Special Secret Protection Bill which had been railroaded through the
Lower House ad hoc committee the same morning. He emphasized the
significance of the meeting, saying “It is extremely meaningful to hold
this kind of meeting in this place on the day when the Japanese society
is facing a historic crossroads where we must decide on whether or not
to return to pre-war fascism.” He went on to say that the fact that as
many as 8.3 million or 8.4 million signatures have been collected
shows, in a tangible way, how deep the ordinary citizens’ anti-nuclear
sentiment is. Chikako Chiba of the Fukushima Conference for a Nuclear
Phaseout appealed to the audience for support by saying “The cries of
the disaster-stricken people are screams demanding compensation from
the government and TEPCO, neither of which has shown any sign of
fulfilling their responsibilities.”
170,000 people gathered for the Sayonara (Good-bye to) Nuclear Power Plants rally on July 16, 2012. (cc) NODA Masaya / JVJA
Kenzaburo Oe, Japan's renowned Nobel Prize-winning author, is one of
the core promoters of this signature-collecting campaign. Led by Oe and
other promoters, the group headed for the Diet amid a situation where
many protesters against the secrecy law had already surrounded the Diet
building. The group handed the signatures directly to the Upper House
vice president and the Lower House deputy speaker. They then proceeded
to the Prime Minister’s Office but were refused entry and were forced
to abandon the plan to submit the signatures to the prime minister.
Instead, the group delivered them to the Cabinet Office. In 2012, the
group members entered the Prime Minister’s Office and
handed the signatures to the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
Following these actions, the group held a rally for the signature campaign in Hibiya Park from 6:30pm.
Oe, one of the speakers at the rally, said, “The people gathered
here are engaged in various anti-nuclear activities with the same
passion, the same sense of reality, and the same vision for the future,
as those of the demonstrators surrounding the Diet building in protest
against the secrecy law.” Keiko Ochiai, a writer, translator, feminist
and manager of Crayon House - a book store specializing in children's
and women's literature, said “For us, there is no choice but to move
forward by uniting the thoughts and feelings of the signatories with
those of the sufferers of the nuclear disaster in Fukushima
Prefecture.” Another speaker, Hisae Sawachi, a non-fiction writer,
stressed that her opposition to the enactment of the secrecy law
stemmed from the viewpoint of protecting the lives of the children in
the future. Makoto Sataka, a political and economic commentator and
magazine publisher, reminded the audience that Prime Minister Shinzo
Abe had said earlier that things were under control, but in fact he was
unable to control even the heads of the local governments backed by the
ruling Liberal Democratic Party in the public hearing held in Fukushima
Prefecture. Needless to say, it would be impossible for the prime
minister to control Sataka and other anti-nuclear protesters, he added.
Shin Sugo, a third-generation Japanese-Korean and business
operator, warned the demonstrators by saying, “The government deceived
the public by forging a myth that nuclear power plants were safe. Now
they are trying to deceive us by creating another myth that
radioactivity is safe. The government is working hard to enact the
secrecy law to conceal the truth from the public. Don’t allow
yourselves to be deceived.”
Ryuichi Sakamoto, a musician, activist, composer, record producer
and writer, and Hiroaki Koide, assistant professor at Kyoto University
Research Reactor Institute, sent written messages to the rally along
with their signatures. In the message, Sakamoto said, “A river of tears
has been flowing at the bottom of our hearts since that day (when the
nuclear accident occurred in Fukushima in March 2011), but we are
nonetheless determined to go on living here.” Koide said this would be
the last chance for Japan to make a course correction, and that this
was a turning point for this country.
Following the rally, the participants launched a protest march in
the direction of Ginza, but it was just around that time that the
secrecy bill was forced through the Lower House plenary session. After
the march, some of the participants headed for the Diet and joined the
people protesting against the railroading of the controversial bill
through the Diet.
(Ikuko Kuwabara, CNIC)


Photos taken at the Sayonara (Good-bye to) Nuclear Power Plants rally, on June 2, 2013.
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