Nuke Info Tokyo No. 98
(Nov. 2003 - Feb. 2004)
 (696 KB)
Abandoned plans for Suzu and Maki Nuclear Power Plants: the beginning of the end?
On Dec. 24th, 2003, Tohoku Electric Power Company officially announced that it was abandoning its plan to build the Maki Nuclear Power Plant in Maki Town, Niigata Prefecture.
Recent Developments in Nuclear Fusion Research
The government and people in the field are continuing their steady behind-the-scenes moves to make sure that their efforts to promote nuclear fusion succeed.
Open Debate Held re Fuel Reprocessing
The chemical tests at Rokkasho have been completed and the uranium testing phase is scheduled to begin in April. However, even among the proponents of nuclear energy, calls for a moratorium have emerged.
Defective Welding in Spent Fuel Storage Pool at Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
Holes which went right through the Spent Fuel Storage Pool liner were found in six places and faulty welding was identified in 291 places.
Developments Since Monju Court Decision
The government is preparing for the start up of Monju before the Supreme Court makes a decision and is applying pressure to the Supreme Court to overturn the High Court's decision.
Anti-Nuke Who's Who: Misako Ogawa-- A Municipal Assembly Member Campaigning Against Nuclear Power
Misako Ogawa has been working for eight years as a member of the municipal assembly in the city of Kagoshima, 44 km from the Sendai Nuclear Power Station. She asks questions about the power station at every assembly meeting.
News Watch
--Is Fukui Prefectural Assembly really prepared to oppose nuclear reactors?
--FEPCO reconfirms target for pluthermal power generation project, but . . .
--FNCA ministerial-level meeting: 'Nuclear power should be included in CDM'
--Nuclear reactor terror response: new organization formed
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