News Watch
Onagawa and Shimane Unit 2 Reactors Restarted Nuclear reactors of the same type as Fukushima’s have been restarted at two nuclear power plants (NPPs), marking the first time in the 13 and a half...
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
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Onagawa and Shimane Unit 2 Reactors Restarted Nuclear reactors of the same type as Fukushima’s have been restarted at two nuclear power plants (NPPs), marking the first time in the 13 and a half...
Onagawa Unit 2 Shut Down During Restart Due to Problems The Unit 2 reactor of Tohoku Electric Power Co.’s Onagawa Nuclear Power Station (BWR, 825 MW) was restarted on October 29 to resume...
Takahama Units 3, 4 to Operate Past 40 Years Takahama Nuclear Power Station Units 3 and 4 (PWR, 870 MW each), owned and operated by Kansai Electric Power Co. (Kanden), began operating in...
Both Kanden and Tohoku Electric Power Co. to Build On-site Spent Fuel Dry Storage Facilities Regarding plans to establish on-site dry storage facilities for spent fuel at the Mihama, Takahama and Ohi nuclear...
Plutonium Recovered through Reprocessing of Fugen Fuel to be Transferred to Orano The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) reported to Japan’s Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) on September 19 regarding its policy for utilizing plutonium...
Spent MOX Fuel to be Sent to France for Reprocessing The Nuclear Reprocessing Organization of Japan (NuRO) and the Federation of Electric Power Companies announced on June 12 that plans for an experimental study...
GX Promotion Bill, GX Decarbonized Power Supply Bill Passed Two GX- (Green Transformation) related bills Japan’s government had submitted to the Diet overcame much opposition to be passed. The GX Promotion Act (Act for...
Revisions to Basic Policy on High-level Radioactive Waste Disposal As noted in CNIC’s statement (, a ministerial meeting on final disposal of nuclear waste was held on February 10, proposals for revising the basic...
Injunction to Halt Mihama Unit 3 Operation Rejected Osaka District Court handed down a decision on December 20, 2022 rejecting a request for an injunction against operation of the Unit 3 reactor of the...