News Watch
Onagawa Unit 2 Shut Down During Restart Due to Problems The Unit 2 reactor of Tohoku Electric Power Co.’s Onagawa Nuclear Power Station (BWR, 825 MW) was restarted on October 29 to resume...
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Onagawa Unit 2 Shut Down During Restart Due to Problems The Unit 2 reactor of Tohoku Electric Power Co.’s Onagawa Nuclear Power Station (BWR, 825 MW) was restarted on October 29 to resume...
Takahama Units 3, 4 to Operate Past 40 Years Takahama Nuclear Power Station Units 3 and 4 (PWR, 870 MW each), owned and operated by Kansai Electric Power Co. (Kanden), began operating in...
GX Promotion Bill, GX Decarbonized Power Supply Bill Passed Two GX- (Green Transformation) related bills Japan’s government had submitted to the Diet overcame much opposition to be passed. The GX Promotion Act (Act for...
~ Reactor manufacturers’ advanced pressurized water reactor farce is exposed: By Goto Masashi, former Toshiba nuclear engineer 1. Post-Fukushima nuclear accident nuclear power plant (NPP) restarts sluggish Today, nearly 12 years after the reactor...
By Ogata Keiko, Deputy Chief of Toold40 Ms. Kusachi Taeko is one of the plaintiffs in the ongoing lawsuit against the extension of the operation periods of aging nuclear reactors in Fukui Prefecture, and...