Nuke Info Tokyo No.224 (January/February 2025)
Nuke Info Tokyo is a bi-monthly newsletter that aims to provide English speaking friends with up-to-date information on the Japanese nuclear industry and the movements against it.
Editor: Takakuwa Mayu
Translators: Pat Ormsby, Tony Boys, Nishioka Mayumi
Proofreaders: Tony Boys, Yamaguchi Yukio
Envisioning a Future without Nuclear Power By Matsukubo Hajime
Report on Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in Seawater and Other Media By Tanimura Nobuko
Denial of Approval to Restart due to Active Fault Under Tsuruga Unit 2 Reactor By Kamisawa Chihiro
NUMO’s Problem-loaded Literature Survey Reports By Takano Satoshi
*Comments on the Remarks Made by METI and NUMO at the Interactive Briefing on January 23
News Watch : Onagawa and Shimane Unit 2 Reactors Restarted, Provisional Opening Plan Announced for Rokkasho Reprocessing and MOX Fuel Fabrication Plans, MOX Fuel Fabrication Contracts Concluded for Genkai and Ikata Unit 3 Reactors, MOU on Assistance for Developing Nuclear Power in Poland
Group Intro: No to Genkai NPS! Karatsu Center By Takano Satoshi