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Onagawa and Shimane Unit 2 Reactors Restarted Nuclear reactors of the same type as Fukushima’s have been restarted at two nuclear power plants (NPPs), marking the first time in the 13 and a half...
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
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Onagawa and Shimane Unit 2 Reactors Restarted Nuclear reactors of the same type as Fukushima’s have been restarted at two nuclear power plants (NPPs), marking the first time in the 13 and a half...
October 29, 2024 The Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 reactor has serious safety problems, but Tohoku Electric Power is heading towards a restart. First of all, let us remind ourselves that the Onagawa...
By Yamaguchi Yukio I. Thirteen and a half years have passed since the unprecedented catastrophe of the Fukushima nuclear accident. While reflecting on the deep sadness experienced by people who have lost their...
By Nishio Baku Nuclear Reactor Regulation Act Requires Revocation of Permit It was confirmed on August 2 at an extraordinary meeting of Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) that the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Station...
By Matsukubo Hajime (CNIC) Looking back at the situation regarding Japanese nuclear reactors in 2023, 12 nuclear reactors (11,608 MW) were operating, an increase of two reactors over the previous year, with Takahama...
27 December 2023 Operational Ban on Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant Lifted – Is the Nuclear Regulation Authority Qualified to Make this Decision? In March 2021, in connection with the violation of nuclear material protection...
—How Will This Affect Restarts of TEPCO’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Units 6 and 7?— By Yamaguchi Yukio (CNIC Co-Director) Japan has seven nuclear reactors that have yet to be restarted despite qualifying under the new regulatory...
31 May 2023 On 31 May 2023, the House of Councilors passed the “GX bundled bill,” including legislation to extend the operation period of nuclear power plants and to promote the use of nuclear...
April 27, 2023 On April 27, 2023, the “Bill to Partially Amend the Electricity Business Act, etc. to Establish an Electricity Supply System for the Realization of a Decarbonized Society” was voted on...
By Ban Hideyuki (CNIC Co-Director) The period for submitting public comments on basic policies for implementing the Green Transformation (GX) to the GX Implementation Council, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) and other organizations has...