Stop MOX Shipments! Nuke Info Tokyo No. 129
A shipment of MOX (mixed plutonium and uranium oxide) fuel bound for Japan left the port of Cherbourg in France on March 5. As predicted, the ships (PNTL’s Pacific Pintail and Pacific Heron) will...
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
Create No Nukes World With Us
A shipment of MOX (mixed plutonium and uranium oxide) fuel bound for Japan left the port of Cherbourg in France on March 5. As predicted, the ships (PNTL’s Pacific Pintail and Pacific Heron) will...
Ignoring local opposition, electric power companies are pushing ahead with preparations for the introduction of pluthermal1 in 2010. So far, Kyushu Electric (Genkai), Shikoku Electric (Ikata), Chubu Electric (Hamaoka) and Kansai Electric (Takahama) have...
On April 23 the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry approved the establishment of the Ohma nuclear power plant (NPP) in Ohma Town, Aomori Prefecture. This article is adapted from the first of a...
As reported in previous issues of NIT, active tests at the Rokkasho reprocessing plant began on 31 March 2006. The plan is to reprocess 430 tons of spent fuel over 17 months in 5...
On September 7th the Minister of Economy Trade and Industry approved Kyushu Electric Power Company’s pluthermal1 plan for Genkai-3. This followed favorable reports by the Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) on 29 August and by the...
Since around the end of 2003 there has been quite a lot of movement on the pluthermal1 issue. This article is a report on these developments. KEPCO In September 2002 Kansai Electric Power Company (KEPCO)...
Disputes at Fukushima Prefecture: Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and Fukushima Energy Policy Review Committee (FEPRC) exchange their views. The 20th Fukushima Energy Policy Review Committee (FEPRC) was held in Fukushima city on August 8...
Two ships left the United Kingdom on the morning of April 26. The names of the two ships are Pacific Teal and Pacific Pintail. The ships are armed with British security guards. They arrived...
The third hearing on the case seeking a provisional injunction against the use of Belgonucleaire (BN)’s MOX fuel at Fukushima I-3 was held at the Fukushima District Court on 27 Oct. 2000. The main...
The legal case against TEPCO’s use of MOX On 9 August 2000, over 850 plaintiffs from across the country, including 138 from Fukushima Prefecture, took Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to the Fukushima District...