Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Blog

Nuke Info Tokyo 1998

NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 68 (Nov./Dec. 1998)  (328KB) CNIC Workshop on Energy Held in S.Korea Asian Scientists and Environmentalists Call for Action to Protect Our Climate Spent-Fuel Cask Data Doctored New Series of Roundtable Talks Begins...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1997

NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 62 (Nov./Dec. 1997)  (180KB) IMA(International MOX Assessment) Final Report – Conclusion The 1997 Right Livelihood Award to be Presented to Jinzaburo Takagi Plan for Third High-Level Waste Shipment Announced FBR Development Lost...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1996

NUKE INFO TOKYO 56 (Nov./Dec.1996) CNIC Holds -IMA Conference in Kyoto A year on from the Monju Accident-What has changed? Japan Exports N-plants to Taiwan News Watch — The Tokyo Meeting of the Asia...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1995

NUKE INFO TOKYO 50 (Nov. /Dec. 1995) Plutonium Surplus and Rokkasho Costs Soar Pu Hold-Up at PFPF Still Controversial A Nuclear Boom in Asian Regionv CNIC Urge STA to Investigate the VHLW Leakage Dismantle...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1994

NUKE INFO TOKYO 44 (Nov. /Dec. 1994) Belarus-Japan Symposium on Chernobyl – Many New Findings Revealed and Discussed HLW Transport Series – 6 – Expert Report Points Out Serious Flaws in Transport and Storage...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1993

NUKE INFO TOKYO 38 (Nov. /Dec. 1993) Stop MONJU Nationwide Rally N-Weapons Used As Bargaining Chips in Asia Japan’s Plutonium Surplus Increasing “From PA (Public Acceptance) to PD (Public Decision)” Anti-Nuke Groups Active Around...