Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Blog

CNIC Webinar Report: Problems with Japan’s Nuclear-waste Disposal Policy as Seen from the Literature Review Currently Underway in Suttsu Town, Hokkaido.

By Takano Satoshi (CNIC) On March 18, 2023, CNIC held the second of its webinar series on “Critical Investigation of Japan’s basic policy on GX (green transformation).” It was titled “Problems on the government’s...

CNIC Statement: Japan’s Upper House of the Diet throws out the lessons of Fukushima in passing the GX Bill

31 May 2023 On 31 May 2023, the House of Councilors passed the “GX bundled bill,” including legislation to extend the operation period of nuclear power plants and to promote the use of nuclear...

CNIC Statement: GX Nuclear Power Plant Bill Passed by Japanese House of Representatives After Diet Deliberations Full of Deceit and Fabrication

April 27, 2023   On April 27, 2023, the “Bill to Partially Amend the Electricity Business Act, etc. to Establish an Electricity Supply System for the Realization of a Decarbonized Society” was voted on...

Stop the release of radioactive waste water from Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific Ocean~ Voices from around the world

On 13 April 2021, the then Prime Minister of Japan, Suga Yoshihide, announced that his government had authorized the release into the Pacific Ocean of over one million tons of radioactive wastewater from the...