Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Blog

Nuke Info Tokyo No. 176 (Jan/Feb 2017)

PDF   The post 3/11 (“three-eleven”) anti-nuke movement                Power system accounting reforms to help no one but TEPCO                     Reference Material: Radiation exposure data (FY2015)          News Watch  Monju Decommissioning Now Official / Fukushima Prefectural Assembly...

News Watch

Monju Decommissioning Now Official On December 21, 2016, the Japanese Ministerial Committee on Nuclear Power formally decided to decommission the Monju prototype fast-breeder (280 MW), Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, owned by the Japan Atomic...

International Conference on US-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and Japan’s Plutonium Policy 2017

CNIC, along with the US based group Union of Concerned Scientists, will jointly organise an international conference on 23-24 February next year at the United Nations University, Tokyo. It will focus on Japan’s plutonium...