Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Blog

Nuclear Power Station decommissioning Schedule-first policy placing excessive burdens on workers TEPCO has responsibility to protect workers’ health and jobs. Nuke Info Tokyo No. 163

Three years and eight months have passed since the outbreak of the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, yet the situation at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station (NPS) is nowhere near completion of the...

News Watch 162 Sep./Oct. 2014 Nuke Info Tokyo No. 162

— Designated Waste Accepted for Interim Storage in Fukushima — Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corp. Launched — Electric Power Companies Considering Decommissioning Old Reactors — Application for Review of Compatibility of Shika Unit 2 with New...

Anti-Nuke Who’s Who Yoshitaka Mukohara, A person who lives with nature and who stands against nuclear power plants with an easy-going style Nuke Info Tokyo No. 162

by Hiroharu Tsuzuki* Mr. Mukohara is top left. The sign says, “We cannot coexist with nuclear power” Yoshitaka Mukohara was born in 1957 in Hiyoshi-cho, Hioki City, Kagoshima Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty...

Contaminated Water Woes at Fukushima Daiichi Is Seepage Control Possible Using a “Frozen Earth Barrier”? Nuke Info Tokyo No. 162

The struggle with contaminated water  (Photo by TEPCO) The Battle to Contain Contaminated Water The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) has serious water contamination problems. Water injected to cool the nuclear fuel has...