Author: Citizens' Nuclear Information Center

Report: Japanese Delegation visits US to discuss plutonium stockpile and US-Japan 123 Agreement

From September 10 through 15, CNIC, together with Tokyo-based think tank New Diplomacy Initiative, organized a delegation of Diet Members and experts to visit the United States in order to draw attention to the...

Government releases a geoscientific characteristics map showing areas “suitable” for disposal of high-level nuclear waste Will the map push the HLW disposal site selection process forward? On July 28, 2017, the Japanese government released a geoscientific characteristics map to provide a basis for selecting locations for high-level nuclear-waste...

News Watch

MOX Fuel Arrives at Takahama NPPMOX fuel rods arrived at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s (KEPCO’s) exclusive port at the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) on September 21, and are meant for use at that...