Author: Citizens' Nuclear Information Center

PuPo 2017 Report: International Discussion of Japan’s Plutonium Policy ~Towards change for the future

On February 23-24 CNIC, together with the Union of Concerned Scientists, held an international conference at the United Nations University in Tokyo. The theme of the conference was ‘the US-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and...

News Watch

FNCA Symposium The Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia (FNCA), in which Japan’s Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology play a central role and which promotes cooperation in...

PuPo 2017 Presentations

 Please see speakers profiles here Click on the names of speakers below to see their presentation/materials More will be added as they become available DAY 1: 23 February (Thurs) 10.00-10.10 Welcome Speech (Koichi Hasegawa)...

Nuke Info Tokyo No. 176 (Jan/Feb 2017)

PDF   The post 3/11 (“three-eleven”) anti-nuke movement                Power system accounting reforms to help no one but TEPCO                     Reference Material: Radiation exposure data (FY2015)          News Watch  Monju Decommissioning Now Official / Fukushima Prefectural Assembly...