Category: Who’s Who/Group Intro

Anti-Nuke Who’s Who Professor Harutoshi Funabashi, Chairperson of the Citizens’ Commission on Nuclear Energy Nuke Info Tokyo No. 160

by Tsunehide CHINO* Professor Harutoshi Funabashi Professor Harutoshi Funabashi is a sociologist who has carried out research on various themes concerning pollution and environmental issues since the 1980s. As one of the founders of...

Anti-Nuke Who’s Who Kenichi Hasegawa, Dairy farmer maintaining visual records of Iitate Village since the Fukushima nuclear crisis Nuke Info Tokyo No. 153

by Noboru Kobayashi* Mr. Kenichi Hasegawa (Photo by Noboru Kobayashi) Kenichi Hasegawa was born and raised in Iitate Village and has lived continually in the village in Fukushima Prefecture since he was born there...