Category: CNIC Statements

CNIC Statement: Regarding Comments on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle by Liberal Democratic Party Presidential Election Candidates

Published in Japanese on September 23, 2021 We would like to point out that there have been serious misunderstandings about the nuclear fuel cycle in the discussions associated with the current Liberal Democratic Party...

CNIC Statement: We Protest the Granting of Consent to Operate the Aging Nuclear Power Plants, Takahama Unit 1 and Unit 2 and Mihama Unit 3, Beyond Their Lifespan of 40 Years

Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center (issued in Japanese on April 29, 2021) On April 28, Fukui Prefecture Governor Sugimoto Tatsuji gave his consent to the operation of Kansai Electric Power Company’s (Kanden’s) Takahama No. 1,...

CNIC Statement: The national government should withdraw its appeal on the Ohi NPP ruling and accept the Osaka District Court’s decision

21 December 2020 On December 4, 2020, the Osaka District Court revoked the central government’s approval for the safety measures of Kansai Electric Power Company’s Ohi NPP No. 3 and No. 4 reactors. This...