Category: Reprocessing (Rokkasho, Tokai, etc)

Report on Third ‘Plutonium Delegation’ to US: An historic moment~ US-DPRK negotiations, extension of the US-Japan Nuclear Agreement and Japan’s plutonium stockpile

From June 24-27 CNIC, together with New Diplomacy Initiative, organized a delegation of Diet Members to visit the United States in order to discuss Japan’s plutonium policy with US Congress Members and officials. This...

Rokkasho Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facility: NRA Breaks off Regulatory Standard Conformity Inspection

Safety Regulation Violations Continue to OccurThe regular meeting of the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) on October 11, 2017 indicated multiple safety code violations by Japan Nuclear Fuel, Limited (JNFL), operator of the Rokkasho Reprocessing...

Report: Japanese Delegation visits US to discuss plutonium stockpile and US-Japan 123 Agreement

From September 10 through 15, CNIC, together with Tokyo-based think tank New Diplomacy Initiative, organized a delegation of Diet Members and experts to visit the United States in order to draw attention to the...

PuPo 2017 Report: International Discussion of Japan’s Plutonium Policy ~Towards change for the future

On February 23-24 CNIC, together with the Union of Concerned Scientists, held an international conference at the United Nations University in Tokyo. The theme of the conference was ‘the US-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement and...

PuPo 2017 Presentations

 Please see speakers profiles here Click on the names of speakers below to see their presentation/materials More will be added as they become available DAY 1: 23 February (Thurs) 10.00-10.10 Welcome Speech (Koichi Hasegawa)...

Japan’s nuclear waste: Dangers and options

Report on two lectures by Prof. Frank von Hippel Prof. Frank von Hippel, from Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, gave talks in Tokyo on ‘Monju and Japan’s reprocessing policy’ and ‘Reducing...

Planned Monju Decommissioning ~The Changed Future of Japan’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle

The Japanese government has practically decided to decommission the Monju fast breeder reactor. Because the reactor has been positioned at the core of Japan’s nuclear fuel cycle, its decommissioning will mark a significant change...