Stop the release of radioactive waste water from Fukushima Daiichi into the Pacific Ocean~ Voices from around the world

On 13 April 2021, the then Prime Minister of Japan, Suga Yoshihide, announced that his government had authorized the release into the Pacific Ocean of over one million tons of radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Even before the official announcement, opposition to this plan both within and outside of Japan, was fierce and in the last two years it has only become stronger. Below we have gathered some of the statements, open letters and protest activities from NGOs, forums, conferences and communities from around the world. Our oceans are one of the most basic Global Commons and as these statements show, global citizens are demanding that the Japanese government and TEPCO act responsibly to protect them. 

Pacific Islands Forum: Opinion Piece by Secretary General Henry Puna

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Nuclear Connections Across Oceania: Statement from Conference held in University of Otago, New Zealand in November 2022

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Full statement can be viewed at

Australian Conservation Foundation and Medical Association for Prevention of War: Joint Statement

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Asian Century Philippines Forum: Global Declaration

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Nuclear Free Bataan Movement Philippines: Press Release and Global Action

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YWCA Korea: Statement

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Joint Action to Stop the Dumping (Discharge) of Japan’s Radioactive Water into the Ocean (Korea): Press Release

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West Hollywood City Council: Resolution

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Don’t Nuke the Pacific: Postcard Campaign

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UK & Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities: Open Letter to Japanese government & TEPCO executives

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