Author: Citizens' Nuclear Information Center

Current Situation of the Verification of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident by Niigata Prefecture Technical Committee

English summary of an article by Tanaka Mitsuhiko (Member of the Niigata Prefecture Technical Committee and former Member of the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC)) Introduction The Niigata...

News Watch

Serious Consideration of Overseas Treatment of Radioactive Wastes The Denki Shinbun energy and electricity industry newspaper reported on July 9th that the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, under Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade...

CNIC Statement: With no decontamination, evacuation orders in radioactive areas of Fukushima should not be lifted

CNIC Statement 22 June, 2020 The Asahi newspaper reported on June 3 that the Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry, the Environment Ministry and the Reconstruction Agency are investigating ways that evacuation orders, which...

Please sign! Petition demanding a review of nuclear fuel cycle policy and a freeze on the operation of Rokkasho reprocessing plant

Please add your signature to the petition below by sending your name and affiliation to Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center  by June 8th 2020 To be submitted to Kajiyama Hiroshi, Minister of Economy, Trade...