Category: Radioactive Waste

Did Two Hokkaido Municipalities Really Put their Names Forward for the High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository Selection Process? The True Nature of the “Literature Review”

By Nishio Baku, CNIC Co-Director In August, the mayor of Hokkaido’s Suttsu Town suggested that the town should consider applying for the “literature review” that is carried out in the run-up to the selection...

News Watch

Serious Consideration of Overseas Treatment of Radioactive Wastes The Denki Shinbun energy and electricity industry newspaper reported on July 9th that the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, under Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade...

The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant and Nuclear Weapons ~ Efficient use of resources and waste reduction?

CNIC Symposium Report By Caitlin Stronell On June 4 CNIC held a symposium at the Diet Members Building in Tokyo. The three speakers, Frank von Hippel, a research physicist and emeritus professor with the...

A perusal of the recently released ‘Decommissioning Implementation Policies’ ~Decommissioning costs grossly underestimated at 15 trillion yen

By Nishio Baku, CNIC Co-Director From 25 to 27 December 2018, Japan’s electric power companies, nuclear fuel cycle businesses and users of nuclear fuel materials posted on their websites their “decommissioning implementation policies” for...

Government releases a geoscientific characteristics map showing areas “suitable” for disposal of high-level nuclear waste Will the map push the HLW disposal site selection process forward? On July 28, 2017, the Japanese government released a geoscientific characteristics map to provide a basis for selecting locations for high-level nuclear-waste...

Japan’s nuclear waste: Dangers and options

Report on two lectures by Prof. Frank von Hippel Prof. Frank von Hippel, from Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, gave talks in Tokyo on ‘Monju and Japan’s reprocessing policy’ and ‘Reducing...