Category: Nuke Info Tokyo

Nuke Info Tokyo 2000

Nuke Info Tokyo No. 80 (Nov./Dec. 2000)  (452KB) Few Safety Improvements Seen Since JCO Accident The Impact of a Possible MOX Fuel Accident at Fukushima I -3 A tribute to Dr. Jinzaburo Takagi: Anti-Nuclear Scientist and...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1999

NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 74 (Nov./Dec. 1999)  (520KB) JCO Criticality Accident: How Many Lessons Will It Take? The Effects of Released Neutrons and Radioactive Materials Release All Data on Exposure Doses As Soon As Possible...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1998

NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 68 (Nov./Dec. 1998)  (328KB) CNIC Workshop on Energy Held in S.Korea Asian Scientists and Environmentalists Call for Action to Protect Our Climate Spent-Fuel Cask Data Doctored New Series of Roundtable Talks Begins...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1997

NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 62 (Nov./Dec. 1997)  (180KB) IMA(International MOX Assessment) Final Report – Conclusion The 1997 Right Livelihood Award to be Presented to Jinzaburo Takagi Plan for Third High-Level Waste Shipment Announced FBR Development Lost...

Nuke Info Tokyo 1996

NUKE INFO TOKYO 56 (Nov./Dec.1996) CNIC Holds -IMA Conference in Kyoto A year on from the Monju Accident-What has changed? Japan Exports N-plants to Taiwan News Watch — The Tokyo Meeting of the Asia...