News Watch
Temporary Injunction against Resumed Operation of Ikata Unit 3 Reactor The Hiroshima High Court issued a provisional decision on January 17 forbidding operation of the Unit 3 reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Company’s Ikata...
Citizens' Nuclear Information Center
Create No Nukes World With Us
Temporary Injunction against Resumed Operation of Ikata Unit 3 Reactor The Hiroshima High Court issued a provisional decision on January 17 forbidding operation of the Unit 3 reactor at Shikoku Electric Power Company’s Ikata...
Collective Database of Citizens’ Radioactivity Measuring Labs by Nakamura Nahoko, Secretariat, Everyone’s Data Site Compiling the radioactivity data measured by citizens’ labs throughout Japan, Everyone’s Data Site allows users to...
Nuke Info Tokyo is a bi-monthly newsletter that aims to provide English speaking friends with up-to-date information on the Japanese nuclear industry and the movements against it. Editor: Caitlin Stronell Translators: Pat Ormsby, Tony...
by Ban Hideyuki, CNIC Co-Director Kansai Electric Power Co. (Kanden) has disclosed that 20 officials, mainly in its nuclear power division, received money and gifts worth more than 300 million yen from Moriyama Eiji,...
by Ban Hideyuki, CNIC Co-Director On May 11, 2011, the author set out to investigate radiation dose rates in the environment. At that time, we had chosen to conduct an investigation starting from the...
by Caitlin Stronell, CNIC From September 11 to 21, Ban Hideyuki and Caitlin Stronell from CNIC visited the UK in order to survey opinions on what should be done with Japan’s 21.2 tons of...
By Matsukubo Hajime, CNIC State of the Plant The water temperature in the containment vessels and the spent fuel pools (SFPs) varies mostly around less than 30oC and no great changes have been seen....
Selected accidents at nuclear facilities in Japan in 2018:
TEPCO and Others Financially Aiding Japan Atomic Power Co. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) and Tohoku Electric Power Co. have decided to provide new aid on top of that which they have provided...
by Ogawa Misako, Kagoshima City Councilor (Independent) Torihara Ryōko is quoted almost every time the Japanese news media covers issues concerning the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture. This is because she is...