Category: Nuke Info Tokyo
(764 KB) Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant: Leakage from Storage Pool, Defective Construction Work, and Escalating Costs A series of accident has been discovered in the spent fuel storage pool – water leakage from the...
(660 KB) Ruling on JCO Accident The Court imposed fines on JCO and also on the former head of the Tokaimura plant. The Court also ordered suspended prison sentences in the case of...
(1.1 MB) Monju ruling at 2003 On 27 January 2003, the Nagoya High Court’s Kanazawa branch (presiding judge Mr. Kazuo Kawasaki) handed down a ruling to nullify the government’s 1983 permission for construction of...
(512 KB Revelation of Endless N-damage Cover-ups This series of cover-ups showed the scandal was not merely TEPCO’s particular problem but involved most of the nation’s electric companies Mechanism of Core Shroud and...
(536 KB) JCO Criticality Accident Three Years on: Questions Still Unanswered Three years have passed since the JCO criticality accident occurred on 30 September 1999. This article reviews results of the second field...
(844 KB) Rethinking Nuclear Energy and Democracy after 9/11 An International Conference held in Basel, Switzerland MOX Transportation On July 5, the MOX fuel loaded ship departed for Britain by way of the...
NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 89 (May/June 2002) (744KB) Rokkasho Uranium Enrichment Plant Trial Decommissioning Cost of Fugen Recycling of Nuke Waste!? Planned Rokkasho MOX Plant plagued with problems 2002 Electricity Supply: Contradiction of Electric Companies...
NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 88 (March/April 2002) (204KB) Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant I – pipe rupture and water leak Water leak from spent fuel pool in Rokkasho Reprocessing Facility KEPCO gives up its plan to...
NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 87 (Jan./Feb. 2002) (248KB) Decommissioning of Tokai Plant to Begin Nuclear Plants Unfit to Withstand Impact of Aircraft Crashes Conference in Taiwan to Stop International Waste Shipments Map: Nuclear Plants in...
NUKE INFO TOKYO No. 86 (Nov./Dec. 2001) (276KB) JCO Criticality Accident: Superficial Changes and Forgotten Damages Japanese Optical Glass Giant Involved in U.S. Nuclear Weapons Development Nuclear Subsidies in Japan in Light of Kariwa Village’s...