72 Search results

For the term "tritium".

The Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant and Nuclear Weapons ~ Efficient use of resources and waste reduction?

CNIC Symposium Report By Caitlin Stronell On June 4 CNIC held a symposium at the Diet Members Building in Tokyo. The three speakers, Frank von Hippel, a research physicist and emeritus professor with the...

Fukushima Now Part 2: Current State of Post-Accident Operations at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (July to December 2017)

State of the PlantFrom the water temperature in the containment vessels and the spent fuel pools (SFPs), and from the state of releases of Xenon-135, released when uranium fuel undergoes fission, and other measurements,...

News Watch (NIT No. 172)

Establishing a liaison for exports to China In an article dated March 23, The Denki Shimbun (a Japanese daily newspaper covering energy and electricity) reported that Japan’s nuclear energy industry had teamed up to...

Newswatch ~Nuke Info Tokyo No. 170

Earthquake-related Deaths Top 2,000 in Fukushima Prefecture Fukushima Prefecture announced on December 25, 2015 that the number of certified “related fatalities” occurring within the prefecture as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake...